Jack of all trades, master of none.

02/06/2024 9:59 AM | Paul Venderley (Administrator)

In a recent ATD webinar, a panelist cited a surprising benefit to CPTD certification. The opportunities within the talent development field are vast, she stated. Completing the CPTD certification allowed her to determine where she wanted to focus her career.

Other panelists echoed that sentiment.  One shared that just by beginning her CPTD certification process, she learned where she needed to develop in order to achieve her career goals.

There were other ways the CPTD certification impacted the panelist careers:

  • Expanded network of skilled L&D professionals

  • Credibility in the field

  • Credibility with other professionals for whom certification is an important element in their field

But of all the benefits, the idea that the CPTD provides guidance and structure for one’s career progression is appealing.  It’s easy for someone with a career in talent development to become a jack of all trades, master of none. Maybe such career focus is something that appeals to you?

You can review the varied ways in which a CPTD or APTD certification can impact your career hereor learn more about the opportunities to invest and grow as an L&D professional by attending our multi-chapter CPTD Study Group information session.

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