April 2013 Volunteer of the Month ~ Janine McDonald

04/29/2013 10:23 PM | Jason Dreyer

Janine has been a member of ASTD Orange County since 2008. As the 2011 Vice President of Marketing, she established a corporate sponsorship program that allowed companies who sponsor ASTD-OC events to advertise on astdoc.org and in chapter announcements. In addition, she took over leadership of the Organizational Development Special Interest Group (OD SIG). Janine continues to lead this dynamic and popular SIG by hosting consistent meetings and recruiting a variety of excellent speakers. Janine is founder and CEO of her own consulting firm, J9 Solutions, and offers her clients the benefit of more than 20 years of experience in operations, human resources, training, and organization development. Thank you, Janine, for your dedication to the chapter!

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