March Volunteer of the Month ~ Lorraine Zank

03/27/2015 6:33 PM | Deleted user

Our Volunteer of the Month Lorraine Zank, has made significant contributions to our chapter in the following areas: 

A website team member since May 2013; serving as our Website Manager since 2014; continued support making updates to the Website; creative input for the 2014-2015 brand transition to create a new website/social media banner; and participation in website meetings and contributions to the technology team.

Lorraine is a versatile, creative instructional designer and performance technologist, who focuses on efficient, effective interventions. She is highly educated having earned MS degrees in Instructional and Performance Technology and Statistics.  She has experience in all aspects of instructional design, including gap, performance, and cause analysis; audience analysis; intervention selection, design, and development; learning assessments; and evaluation. She is a consummate learner continually acquiring new skills and experiences, both technical and non-technical. Check out her work at

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