June Volunteer of the Month ~ Denise Lamonte

06/26/2015 11:23 AM | Denise Ross-Admin (Administrator)

Denise Lamonte was selected because of her great work and the big impact she's having on our association and our programs.  Among other things, we appreciate her for:

  • Serving as such an effective “structure networking coordinator"--coming up with ideas for enhancing our Monthly Learning Event, building on the ideas, and providing the necessary support to volunteers for effective networking.
  • Doing work to design and develop some of the ideas for the Change Leadership Special Interest Group.
  • Being a presenter and creating a testimonial video and designing a great presentation for all to enjoy and learn.
  • Pitching in as a facilitator and assisting when necessary during events and meetings
  • Jumping in to help so often--sometimes with such short notice--especially given the many commitments of your job and personal life. Your infectious energy and liveliness makes you a joy to be with.

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