Your Elevator Speech - 2012

01/06/2012 10:21 AM | Paul Venderley (Administrator)

As we approach the new year with fresh eyes and a resolve to make changes here or there, perhaps it's an opportune moment to shake up our network a little bit. Who did we add to our network in 2011 that we have not connected with as we had planned?  Who do we want to add to our network today? 

It's also probably a good idea to dust off that elevator speech that we've been using for a bit too long. While a new year does not necessarily mean a "new you," it does imply a new business environment -- your elevator speech should adapt to reflect that.

Now, you should have a basic elevator speech that's applicable to anyone you meet. But be prepared to modify it when you have specific information about the person you're talking to. The more relevant you make your speech to the listener, the more you will stick in that person's mind when you touch base with them later.

Here's a quick format for swiftly organizing your thoughts when people ask what you do.

  • Give a succinct overview, in plain English. Even if you're talking to someone else within your industry, argot tends to vault what should be a pleasant conversation into a sales pitch.
  • Give one example of how your efforts benefit your customers.
  • Invite further discussion "What else would you like to know?"

This format keeps the content focused on the listener, and invites collaboration (as opposed to an easily-forgotten exchange of information).

ASTD-OC will have four opportunities for you to practice your elevator speech (and increase your network) this month. Check out our Events Calendar to see which one you'd like to participate in!

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