Trainers' SIG ~ Talking about Yourself While Training

  • 03/25/2022
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Webinar Link Provided upon Registration
  • 24


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When you train, you reveal things about yourself.  You may not mean to, but you do.  And the things you reveal create an impression of you in the minds of your participants. 

“Talking about yourself while training” isn’t a topic most of us learn about in Train-the-Trainer courses, but it is an important topic nevertheless, and how, when and why you talk about yourself all have significant impacts on your learners.

Come to the Trainers’ SIG meeting on March 25th , and you’ll:

  • Become more conscious of when you’re talking about yourself—and what effect that talking is likely to have on your audience
  • Consider tips for when to talk about yourself—and when not to
  • Practice talking (and not talking) about yourself, including using (and not using) the magic word that alerts learners to the fact that you’re about to share something about yourself, the word “I”

Our Facilitator

Anthony Harmetz is a Training Consultant with a specialty in DiSC assessments, training and coaching.  He also helps organizations with their training design, development, delivery, strategy and implementation.  A long time ATD-OC volunteer and a chapter Past President, Anthony spent 13 years establishing and leading the training function at Bally Total Fitness, a major services sector corporation.

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