Chapter Connections

Welcome to Chapter Connections, your Community Hub for everything related to our Chapter's journey. More than just a space for reading, it's where you'll find the heartbeat of our community—connecting you to the insights, stories, and opportunities that empower your professional development.

  • 03/20/2023 9:32 AM | Denise Ross-Admin (Administrator)

    Join or renew with ATD and ATD-OC* and save!

    ATD Members are saving big on bestsellers all week long.

    ATD & ATD-OC* membership is 10% off this week only, so join ATD for 12 months of access to essential talent development resources and benefits AND immediately take advantage of these member-only discounts.

    SAVE at the ATD Store (

    • 10% off ATD membership

    • 20% (up to $650) off the member price of ATD courses

    • 20% off APTD and CPTD prep courses

    • 20% off the member price of ATD books

    • 75% (up to $150) off the member price of ATD research reports

    • $50 off the VIP Package for the ATD International Conference and EXPO

    Shop the Sale

    *For ATD-Orange County membership,  the !0% discount applies to ATD-Orange County member levels of Individual or Students only.

  • 03/16/2022 3:07 PM | Denise Ross-Admin (Administrator)

    The next time you register for an ATD-Orange County Event, you may notice something new.  If the event provides a learning opportunity related to the Talent Development Capability Model, the number of Professional Development Points will be listed.  These points can be earned by attending the event.

    The Associate Professional in Talent Development (APTD) and Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD) certifications are awarded by the ATD Certification Institute.  One of the requirements of these certifications is that the holders need to remain current in the field and must earn continuing education points toward recertification.  People preparing to test for either certification also need to earn a specified number of professional development hours. 

    Our ATD-Orange County programs have always supported the development of the capabilities in the Talent Development Capability Model. Getting the pre-approval to offer these points is one new way that we can support APTD and CPTD certification holders and those working to earn their certifications.

    Whether you are a Talent Development professional in the larger Talent Development community or in our very own chapter, we hope to see you at one of our Pre-Approved events soon!

    If you are interested in learning more about APTD and CPTD certification, click here to go to the information page about the certifications.

    If you’re an ATD Orange County Member, visit our certifications web page.

    If you’re interested in earning an APTD or CPTD certification and you’d like to talk to someone about their experience and chapter resources, email
  • 02/10/2022 10:07 AM | Paul Venderley (Administrator)

    I’ve got a confession to make.

    I’ve never liked the term: “Virtual Training.”

    According to Merriam Webster, the “essential definition” of “virtual” is: “very close to something without actually being it.”*  Synonyms include: “near,” “near enough,” “for all practical purposes.”

    I’ve disliked that implication. That what we were doing was, for all practical purposes, “near enough” to training, but not really.

    Because what we do, of course, when we facilitate classes over WebEx, or MS Teams, or Zoom, is really training.  It’s the classroom that’s virtual, its boundaries suddenly expanding from the four walls of the trainer’s room all the way across the nation, even the world, to the outer walls of the learners’ rooms (or cubicles).

    The training? That’s still real.  Its results are still measurable.  They have to be.

    This is what ATD-Orange County’s “Total Trainer University: Creating the Virtual Classroom” is about.  We’re not content to create something that’s very close to training without actually being training.  The courses we design will occur on computers and the internet, but they will not stop there. We will apply technology to deliver a lesson plan, but our objectives will still be met within a physical environment.  We will sit in front of cameras and monitors while we work through a Leader’s Guide, but we will still engage with our participants, identifying learning opportunities and achievements.

    Yes, because the training is delivered over fiber optic cables, we’re not able to facilitate learning conversations the same way as we would if we were all in the same space.  So we’ll adopt different practices, develop different skills, facilitate online activities that are very close to what we would have led were everyone in the same physical space, and accomplish, for all practical purposes, the same learning objective(s).

    Total Trainer University: Creating the Virtual Classroom will cover polls, breakout rooms, and online chat, but it won’t be about those webinar resources.  What it will be about is how we can apply online tools to push the boundaries of our virtual classroom beyond the four sides of our computer monitors, how we can tap into available learning resources in such a way that ignites our learners and help them achieve their objectives, and how we can make the overall experience as good as being there.

    If something like this intrigues you, make sure you're getting our Chapter eNewsletter, and watch for the post announcing Creating The Virtual Classroom's start date.  It'll be soon (Q2 2022).

    *From Merriam-Webster’s “full definition”: “being such in essence or effect though not formally recognized or admitted.”  In other words, the first definition was a “virtual” definition.

  • 01/07/2022 3:54 PM | Denise Ross-Admin (Administrator)

    Congratulations to Jessica Del Rosario, our ATD-OC Secretary and multi-hatted volunteer, on being profiled as an "Up & Comer" in td: New Learning Daily.

    We're so proud of you Jess and very lucky to have you as part of our leadership team!

    (Do you work with an outstanding young professional? Nominate them for an interview in ATD's TD magazine’s "Up & Coming" column, which highlights the accomplishments of talent development newcomers like Jessica Del Rosario, the most recent Up & Comer. To nominate the rising star you love working with, please complete this form.)

  • 12/22/2021 3:49 PM | Denise Ross-Admin (Administrator)

    Dear Members,

    It is with pleasure that I share the 2020 and 2021 (to November 2021) ATD-OC Annual Reports. Thank you to not only our membership, but also to a committed board and dedicated volunteers. Given the challenging times, we still had good, strong years. I look forward to your continued participation in the chapter in 2022 and beyond.

    Happy Holidays!

    Gillian Wilson
    ATD-OC President 2021 and 2022

  • 08/12/2021 9:56 PM | Paul Venderley (Administrator)

    This is a new era of learning, where we can take learning to the next level. Good virtual instructor led training combines collaborative meeting technology with instructional design to offer learners a convenient and interactive way of learning.

    This technology also helps organizations train their employees in a more cost-effective manner as they can hire just one or two instructors for an entire company, instead of sending each employee across the world for training.

    The advantages of virtual instructor led training are:

    1. Training takes place at the organization's office premises.
    2. Trainees are able to learn in a collaborative environment with other trainees dispersed around the nation, or globe.
    3. The equipment is cheaper than travelling for distant trainings and presentations require less space for video projection

    However, this type of training is not without its traps and pitfalls. The design for virtual instructor led training cannot be the same as an in-person instructor led training, yet many is the course that is little more than a slide deck with a talking head to one side. How do you avoid these pitfalls and create an engaging VILT that enhances learning retention? Here are a few tips to explore:

    1. Give Participants a Reason to Care About Your Course

    As the motivation legend Zig Ziglar says, "Everyone listens to the radio station WIIFM, 'What's In It For Me.'" This is true for all training, and is exceptionally important for virtual instructor led training. Why? People are on a device that has within its circuitry the distractions of a world around them. If not the email with the latest problem to be solved, then the innocuous social media post that leads them into a daisy chain of cat videos.

    Should you start the course by clearly stating what you believe is a strong WIIFM? No. Virtual Instructor Led Training exists in a more collaborative environment. Ask questions to elicit what your learners believe their WIIFM is, then tie the WIIFM you uncovered in your needs analysis to their contributions as a means of reinforcing and reaffirming their reasons for joining.

    2. Build in Interactivity With the Learning Content

    Interactive content can help learners retain more information, and be more engaged in the learning process.

    Many virtual instructor led platforms provide a variety of tools to prompt audience response. Commonly found are polls, chat, screen sharing, and whiteboards. Many platforms offer annotation tools for participants to mark on the screen. Most also offer breakout rooms, opportunities to split the students into multiple, smaller, web conferences for more focused discussions.

    Each of these tools provides an opportunity for learners to interact — either with you, or each other.

    Using a variety of those tools throughout the course will undoubtedly keep learners active, but will they keep them engaged?

    3. Ask "why" when implementing interactive content & technology.

    As with any instructional design, asking “why” when implementing a webinar tool is critical to ensuring the activity engages the learners.

    Why does a poll support a learning objective?

    Why will a learner benefit from sharing a screen? Or typing something in the chat box?

    The answers will help you understand the purpose of each interaction. In reality, you’re looking for the “WIIFM” again.

    4. Think holistically.

    Don’t let your virtual interactions stand alone. Use the poll you created at the beginning of a training session as a jumping off point for a brainstorming session. That brainstorming session can lead to the creation of an action plan, so learners have something to walk away with.

    As each online interaction builds upon the other, they create reasons for learners to engage more fully in the process.

    Gather More Tips With The Total Virtual Trainer

    This year, ATD-Orange County is adding to their Total Trainer Curricula with a program on focusing on the design and facilitation of Virtual Instructor Led Training. Participants will improve their ability to design and lead engaging and interactive virtual training sessions that provide a deeper processing experience for their learners than standard webinars which mostly consist of a talking head and PowerPoint slides.

    • If you’ve never led a webinar or VILT and would like to learn to do so.

    • If you lead webinars that are basically informational and would like to learn to lead more engaging and interactive training sessions

    • If you’re already leading VILT sessions and want to “sharpen the saw"

    You’ll want to join us!

  • 12/08/2020 10:08 AM | Denise Ross-Admin (Administrator)

    What is Employee Learning Week?

    ATD’s Employee Learning Week (ELW) is an opportunity for companies to demonstrate their commitment to talent development. During the week, remind employees about all of the learning and talent development opportunities they can access.

    Champion of Learning Certificate Process

    Please share your efforts with us by submitting the form at the bottom of this linked page, to be considered for a Champion of Learning Certificate no later than Friday, January 22, 2021.

    How ATD-Orange County is supporting our Members this week:

    • 15 months of membership for the price of 12.*  Join or renew your ATD-Orange County membership between Nov 27 and Dec 11
    • Limited Time - Special Membership Levels
      • In an effort to assist our members in maintaining their ATD-Orange County Chapter membership and staying connected through these challenging times, we have created 2 additional membership levels, for a limited time.**
        • 6-month Individual Membership - $50
        • Month-to-Month Individual Membership - $9/month
    (New members can signup online. Renewing members, please contact the office to take advantage of this offer.)

    Not up for renewal until the end of December or beyond? No problem. You can still renew now and your membership will be extended.(Email  or call the office 714.527.4785, if your renewal is beyond December.)

    Join or Renew Now


    * 15 for 12 applicable to Annual Memberships only. Does not apply to any other membership levels. The 3 months will be added to the membership term, after payment notification is received by the office. If you are a Power Member, the 3 months will be added after you join or renew at and we receive notification from the ATD Store.)

    ** These levels will be available for a limited time, as we navigate these unprecedented times, and can be reverted back to an annual membership term at any time.

  • 09/08/2020 9:24 AM | Paul Venderley (Administrator)

    You know the benefits of attending professional conferences.  They’re filled with opportunities to:

    • Learn something new

    • Develop professional relationships

    • Gain Inspiration

    • And there’s a little bit of the fun factor

    But these days, the opportunities for attending professional conferences are diminishing.  And we’re not just referencing the pandemic.  You may not have the budget, either for the travel expenses or for the conference itself.  You may not have the time.  

    With all that in mind, ATD Orange County presents the micro conference.  Our microconference is a “mashup” of microlearning and professional conference.  Four sessions distilled to their essential information, each session lasting approximately 20 minutes.  

    • How has your organization been handling the change management initiatives forced upon them by the SARS-CoV2 pandemic?  Get some ideas on how to better address change management issues using the STAR Method.

    • Have you been facilitating or attending more virtual training sessions or meetings?  Contribute to our panel’s virtual meeting lessons learned discussion.  Or check out ways to jazz up your online meetings.

    • Looking to address the critical skills necessary for a team to function effectively?  Participate in a critical skills case study.

    All this, and the opportunity to develop professional relationships, can be achieved during this month’s ATD-Orange County MicroConference 2020.

    This September 23, join us to connect, invest, grow, and be back home in time for prime time television.

  • 08/20/2020 8:37 PM | Paul Venderley (Administrator)

    Watch a few episodes of Shark Tank, and you'll see that those who do not completely understand the numbers that run their business do not get investors.

    Knowing your numbers is important, they'll explain.  And if you don't know your numbers, you don't know your business.

    Finance is not the most glamorous topic in the business world.  But it is one of the most crucial.  For business owners, a clear comprehension of their company's financial statements allows them to make strategic decisions that support the organization's growth and long-term profitability.

    For the talent developer, that same comprehension of their company's financial statements allows them to position their department so that it aligns within the organization's strategic decisions.  A talent development leader who ensures their their team's efforts contribute to the profitability of the organization will be able to position their department above the designation of "cost center."

    Next month, BizSIG Leader and passionate advocate of fiscal familiarity Jeffrey Hansler will lead a three-session conversation titled Finance for the Non-Financial Talent Development Specialists.  And although this series will be facilitated with the talent developer in mind, the skills he plans to share will be valuable for anyone seeking to grasp the basics of accounting, financial statements, and decision making through the eyes of the CFO.

    Jeffrey's made this readily accessible, scheduling both mid-day and evening time slots.  

    If you're ready to position yourself as someone "in the know" in your organization, or if you're considering starting your own consultancy and want to ensure you have a firm grasp on the numbers that drive your business, this is a singular opportunity to explore finances with someone who shares the talent developer's point of view.

    Learn more, and register for Finance for the Non-Financial Talent Development Specialists today!

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